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Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Birthday Party That No One *NEW* Came To

So, I decided to celebrate my birthday at The Monday Night Comedy Show with friends and no one really showed up. It kinda sucked.
The only few things that were good things were the sign that got put on the tables announcing my birthday (I have Andy to thank for that), and the 2 presents I got.  I also got to take a very unflattering (on my part because I was drunk) selfie with Andy. Also, a selfie with my new friend that I met at the bar and Mae.

I'm really hoping that my next birthday will be better. I really hope that my 30th birthday is even better.
It also really sucked because pretty much none of my family came, and I really missed Erin. She would've at least called me and wished me a happy birthday.
Now it's time for sleep.


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