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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Complete Update

Hi everybody!

This post is going to be quite long, since this is going to be a complete update about what has happened, and information on everything that has happened.

For those of you who do not know me in real life, or are not friends with me on Facebook, here's basically what has been happening since my last summary post in May.

What has happened this year:

  • Left my job of 9 years for another position within the company
  • Bought a condo
  • Moved out from living with my parents
  • Started going back to the gym on a regular basis
  • Actually started taking online dating seriously to find someone
  • Turned 30

I'm going to expand on each bullet point and explain exactly what happened or what I did.

Left my job of 9 years for another position within the company
For the past 9 years, I have been working as a pharmacy technician at a retail pharmacy. I have really enjoyed it and it has allowed me flexibility with my schedule when I was in school, and when I needed to make appointments, etc. While I really enjoyed my job, it was at a REALLY busy pharmacy, so much so that I was feeling very burnt out and like everyday that I can home all I wanted to do was sit and stare straight ahead. Which I did. A lot.
Then all of a sudden I got word that a new position had opened up. Completely different side of the business, but I would still be training new hires and trying to teach them everything that I have learned the last 9 years. I applied for it, with help from some of the Pharmacy Supervisors and higher-ups to make sure that I was going for the right thing. It took them about 2-3 weeks to actually get back to me about it, and I spent so much time worrying, checking my email, talking to my friends higher up to see if they knew anything, and trying really hard to not just walk out or tell everyone.
I (obviously) got the job, and I've been in it since March. It's much slower paced than the pharmacy, I have my own company computer and I have learned that speaking in front of a small group of people is not the end of the world. My current manager knows that this is NOT where I see myself ending up, and that I would love to go higher up within the company. I was fully transparent in the sense, and that I will do whatever I need to do to improve myself so that I can have a chance to actually move up within the company.

Bought a condo/Moved out from living with my parents
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory, but I will tell a little story. Our (my parents and I) lease was up for our apartment at the end of July, they were raising the rent and adding a bunch of extra fees, so we all decided it was time to move and it was time us to buy. I started looking right around the time that I was applying for the new job, and when I found out where I was going to be located, my realtor and I were able to narrow down the search to Dakota County. I really wanted a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom place, and since I didn't want a house and would be living alone, there wasn't much in the way of properties. Just when I was ready to give up on getting the 2 bathrooms, I went and saw a place in Eagan. It needed some work, but it basically had everything that I was looking for and more. Since there was many things "wrong" with it, I couldn't say yes right away, but I went home and talked with my parents about it and after talking it through, I realized that I probably wasn't going to see anything quite like this again, and it had everything that I was asking for. I told my realtor to put an offer on it. 
I got the place, and I was able to get it at a really good price! 👍👊👍

Started going back to the gym on a regular basis
I hadn't been to the gym since around February, and I realized that now that I had a new job with a semi-set schedule and it was a job that I was sitting around a lot more. Since I was sitting more, I wasn't as active as before and I realized I needed to get back to the gym.
Also, I had accidentally been paying for 5 sessions of personal training sessions for the last 6 months, so I had over 30 sessions banked and asking to use! So, I made an appointment with a personal trainer. He seriously almost killed me the first day, but I feel like I've been making SOME progress with it all, but I need to get my nutrition in check!

Actually started taking online dating seriously to find someone
So, I've had online dating profiles for quite some time, and I've been serious about using them on and off for the last 4-5 years. Since I finally had this weird this called "free time," I decided that it was time for me to actually take it seriously and try to find someone.
At the very least, I'm going to work on myself hardcore and make sure that I'm emotionally and mentally ready for a relationship. Ever since my last real relationship, where I got broken up with the day before my birthday, I've been "broken" and unable to actually try and be with someone. I don't think it helped that I've had a lot of horrible things happen in my life since then that have just damaged me more. (And yes, I've gone to therapy and talked to someone about this. I'm to the point of going to a hypnotist or some other type of person that can try and release me from this barrier I've put on myself)

Turned 30
This is kind of self-explanatory, but this was actually a big deal for me. I was hoping that by the time I was 30, I would be married and have a house and a wonderful job where I could travel and enjoy life. Boy, was I wrong! However, I have realized that I can't have these unrealistic expectations on myself or on the world, otherwise I will get disappointed. I just need to take it one step at a time, and my first step is to work on myself and learn to truly and fully love myself. That way, I will be able to love another person.

Well, that's pretty much that has happened this year. I'm hoping to have more things happen, as I am trying to work on myself and force those good vibes out into the universe.

As always, if anybody has suggestions on things to add to my bucket list, or would be willing to help me with some of the items, please let me know!

I will update more next week!


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