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Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Tale of Mexico and The Land of The Heartbroken

So, I went to Mexico. It was amazing. It only rained 2 times while we were down there, and one of the days was the last day that we were there. I met a lot of new people and I believe that they will be great friends!

Marial and I didn't get to go snorkeling or anything while we were down there, but I did drink out of a real coconut!! It was amazing!! The stars were amazing as well!!

Anyways, I have taken a little bit of time off of my list since I got sick last month, but now I'm going to try and get back into the groove of folding more origami cranes and lining up more of my bucket list events. I'm hoping to get some more stuff done now that I'm out of school for the summer.

Again, if anyone would like to do any of the things with me, or help fund me for the things, I would be most appreciative!! I have been trying to get money together to buy a new bed, but that's slow-going. Any help would be great!!

Anyways, I'm off to go and do stuff on a very rare day off!!


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