Here is the OFFICIAL list* of the things I want to do in 2015:
(in no particular order,
in memory of Erin)
- Celebrate Chinese New Year [1] [2] [3]
- Try to trapeze
- Kayak in the sea/large river
- Ride a Catamaran
- Hang out in a tree house
- Skinny dip (in the sea or lake)
- Kiss upside-down like Spider-man
- Make my own paper [1]
- Canoe a river
- Try to slackline [1]
- Hike in a cloud
- Catch a butterfly (then let it go)
- Whiten my teeth
- Yawn bomb [1]
- Stalk a stranger
- Send a message in a bottle
- Hand milk a cow
- Hang out in a graveyard
- Learn to scuba dive
- Learn to snorkel
- Dance naked in the rain
- Try a paleo diet for a week [1]
- Watch a meteor shower
- Learn to shoot a gun
- Fly a box kite
- Camp on Lake Superior
- Write a "Letter to the editor"
- Make a secret hideaway book [1]
- Bungee jump
- Learn to dance the Tango
- Learn to dance the Salsa
- Send a package to a stranger
- Go dog sledding
- Vow a day of silence
- Roll naked in the snow
Get fortune told(Completed April)- Learn to yodel
Run a 5K(completed May 10)- Try actual sushi (or more fish)
- Learn to golf
- Spend a day at the MIA [1]
- Watch Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
- Watch Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
- Watch Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
- Watch LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
- Watch LOTR: The Two Towers
- Watch LOTR: The Return of The King
- Go rock climbing
- High-five 5 complete strangers
- Go tailgating
- Learn to juggle
- Ride on a hot air balloon
- See the Northern Lights
- Swim with Dolphins
- Do a color run
- Go skydiving
- Spend 1 day at a spa
- Ride a motorcycle
- Get an adjustment from a chiropractor
Leave 5 inspirational messages anonymously in public spaces(completed April)- Take a kickboxing class
- Send a postcard into Post Secret [1]
- Ride in a horse-drawn carriage
- Go paint balling
- Watch all of Pierce Brosnan's "James Bond" movies
- Get a cream pie thrown in my face
- Throw a cream pie in someone's face
- Donate blood
- Take a self-defense class
- Submit a photo to Jones Soda [1]
- Watch all of Firefly
- Go to a symphony blindfolded
- Ride a mechanical bull
- Go water skiing
- Make 1000 Origami paper cranes [1] (in progress: 500+ done)
- Make a gingerbread house
- Get hypnotized
Get a book signed by the author(Completed February 15)- Take a pole-dancing class
- Write a letter to myself to open up in 5-10 years
- Go behind the Minnehaha Falls while they are frozen
- Make a blessings jar and add to it all year [1] (in progress)
- Start a blog and document the whole experience (in progress!)
- Finish classes to graduate with my Bachelors degree (Final class: Summer 2015)
- Cherish each moment I get to spend with my nieces (continuous)
- Put myself out there more/Take more chances in my personal life (continuous)
- Live life the way Erin would- with reckless abandonment (continuous)
So, I have deleted the items that I got done last year. I'm going to try and focus on the future and what I can try and get done this year.
If anyone wants to help, donate or join me in completing these, let me know!!!
* Suggestions of items to add are always welcome!
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