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Thursday, January 1, 2015

This year in review... (with possible controversial content)

So, I have decided to kind of sum up 2014 on here. I'm going to warn you, 2014 kinda* sucked, and I'm going to just talk about EVERYTHING, even the drama. So, don't get offended, since no names are going to be listed.

My year started out with losing my cousin. She was 24 years old.

January and February continued with lots of drama, both personal and professional. I got bitched out over stupid stuff on social media by others who were grieving, and the issue was never resolved. My job got a new Pharmacy Manager, a new Team Lead, and multiple turn-overs in our department within the first few months.

In March, I thought I was getting better, by allowing myself to celebrate St. Patrick's Day (my cousin's birthday), and also allowing myself to open up and get a little comfortable with a guy that I was dating. Big mistake. The guy dumped me via Facebook Messenger early April.

Late April, early May brought an semi-impromptu trip to Mexico for a comedy festival. It was probably the best thing I decided to do. I feel like I was channeling my cousin when I booked the trip.

Late May, my oldest sister welcomed her third daughter. Also, my cousin got married, and it was a beautiful ceremony and beautiful event that was the first happy event for that side of my family since my cousin's death. The night ended with me puking my stomach out outside of the hotel, so I guess I would call it a good night!

June and July kind of blended together, with a reception for one of my good friends' wedding that they had when they went and eloped in Las Vegas on January 1st. Also, there was girls weekend.

August, I celebrated my birthday. It was a bit bittersweet with not being able to have my cousin with me, and not very many people came out to celebrate it with me. Other than that, I had a good night.

September through November kind of flew by, with school, work and trying to work on myself. There was some family drama that happened at Thanksgiving, but that's to be expected with almost all families.

December, was the second worst month this year. I lost 2 friends. One, to complications after falling off of a pyramid in Mexico**, and another to an accidental overdose which none of us knew about, not even his best friends. The Twin Cities comedy scene is a lot less funny now that they are gone.

I didn't get as much done as I would've wanted this year, but I am going to be rolling over my bucket list to 2015, and continue to do those items on the list.


If I had to put my year into the context of food, I would have to say that my year was kind of like baking cookies: It sucks when you have to mix all the ingredients together and wait for them to be ready, is wonderful when you get to eat them and enjoy the deliciousness of them, then sucks again when they are all gone.

I started the year with hopes that it would be amazing. Some parts were. Some parts weren't. I'm grateful for what I have, and I'm thankful that I have accumulated many great friends that have helped me through a rough year. Thank you.


Links to the Obituaries of my friends/cousin that passed this year: #1 #2 #3

* Kinda = REALLY.
** Yes, you read that correctly.

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