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Sunday, January 18, 2015


Hey there, readers.

I'm looking for some help with some of the items on my bucket list. Mostly, for the bigger items. If you are able to assist in ANY way (money, services, time), please let me know.

Such as:
  • If you know someone who owns cows that I can learn to milk a cow
  • If you have an "in" on a skydiving instructor
  • If you know someplace nearby to do bungee jumping
  • If you know someplace that does trapeze
  • If you want to donate money, or buy an event (such as skydiving, bungee jumping, dance lessons, dog sledding) for me to do, or that we could do it together.
I would be very grateful for any type of help. Even for people to send me Groupons or Living Social deals for items that are on my list. I need as much help as I can to be able to finish more items on here!!!


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Things I Want To Do In 2015 (The Official List)

Here is the OFFICIAL list* of the things I want to do in 2015:
(in no particular order,
in memory of Erin)

  1. Celebrate Chinese New Year [1] [2] [3]
  2. Try to trapeze
  3. Kayak in the sea/large river
  4. Ride a Catamaran 
  5. Hang out in a tree house
  6. Skinny dip (in the sea or lake)
  7. Kiss upside-down like Spider-man
  8. Make my own paper [1]
  9. Canoe a river
  10. Try to slackline [1]
  11. Hike in a cloud
  12. Catch a butterfly (then let it go)
  13. Whiten my teeth
  14. Yawn bomb [1]
  15. Stalk a stranger
  16. Send a message in a bottle
  17. Hand milk a cow 
  18. Hang out in a graveyard
  19. Learn to scuba dive
  20. Learn to snorkel
  21. Dance naked in the rain
  22. Try a paleo diet for a week [1]
  23. Watch a meteor shower
  24. Learn to shoot a gun
  25. Fly a box kite
  26. Camp on Lake Superior
  27. Write a "Letter to the editor"
  28. Make a secret hideaway book [1]
  29. Bungee jump
  30. Learn to dance the Tango
  31. Learn to dance the Salsa
  32. Send a package to a stranger
  33. Go dog sledding
  34. Vow a day of silence
  35. Roll naked in the snow 
  36. Get fortune told (Completed April)
  37. Learn to yodel
  38. Run a 5K (completed May 10)
  39. Try actual sushi (or more fish)
  40. Learn to golf
  41. Spend a day at the MIA [1]
  42. Watch Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
  43. Watch Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
  44. Watch Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
  45. Watch LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
  46. Watch LOTR: The Two Towers
  47. Watch LOTR: The Return of The King
  48. Go rock climbing
  49. High-five 5 complete strangers
  50. Go tailgating 
  51. Learn to juggle
  52. Ride on a hot air balloon
  53. See the Northern Lights
  54. Swim with Dolphins
  55. Do a color run
  56. Go skydiving
  57. Spend 1 day at a spa
  58. Ride a motorcycle
  59. Get an adjustment from a chiropractor
  60. Leave 5 inspirational messages anonymously in public spaces (completed April)
  61. Take a kickboxing class
  62. Send a postcard into Post Secret [1]
  63. Ride in a horse-drawn carriage
  64. Go paint balling
  65. Watch all of Pierce Brosnan's "James Bond" movies
  66. Get a cream pie thrown in my face
  67. Throw a cream pie in someone's face
  68. Donate blood
  69. Take a self-defense class
  70. Submit a photo to Jones Soda [1]
  71. Watch all of Firefly
  72. Go to a symphony blindfolded
  73. Ride a mechanical bull
  74. Go water skiing
  75. Make 1000 Origami paper cranes [1] (in progress: 500+ done)
  76. Make a gingerbread house
  77. Get hypnotized
  78. Get a book signed by the author (Completed February 15)
  79. Take a pole-dancing class
  80. Write a letter to myself to open up in 5-10 years
  81. Go behind the Minnehaha Falls while they are frozen
  82. Make a blessings jar and add to it all year [1] (in progress)
  83. Start a blog and document the whole experience (in progress!)
  84. Finish classes to graduate with my Bachelors degree (Final class: Summer 2015)
  85. Cherish each moment I get to spend with my nieces (continuous)
  86. Put myself out there more/Take more chances in my personal life (continuous)
  87. Live life the way Erin would- with reckless abandonment (continuous)

So, I have deleted the items that I got done last year. I'm going to try and focus on the future and what I can try and get done this year.
If anyone wants to help, donate or join me in completing these, let me know!!!


* Suggestions of items to add are always welcome!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

This year in review... (with possible controversial content)

So, I have decided to kind of sum up 2014 on here. I'm going to warn you, 2014 kinda* sucked, and I'm going to just talk about EVERYTHING, even the drama. So, don't get offended, since no names are going to be listed.

My year started out with losing my cousin. She was 24 years old.

January and February continued with lots of drama, both personal and professional. I got bitched out over stupid stuff on social media by others who were grieving, and the issue was never resolved. My job got a new Pharmacy Manager, a new Team Lead, and multiple turn-overs in our department within the first few months.

In March, I thought I was getting better, by allowing myself to celebrate St. Patrick's Day (my cousin's birthday), and also allowing myself to open up and get a little comfortable with a guy that I was dating. Big mistake. The guy dumped me via Facebook Messenger early April.

Late April, early May brought an semi-impromptu trip to Mexico for a comedy festival. It was probably the best thing I decided to do. I feel like I was channeling my cousin when I booked the trip.

Late May, my oldest sister welcomed her third daughter. Also, my cousin got married, and it was a beautiful ceremony and beautiful event that was the first happy event for that side of my family since my cousin's death. The night ended with me puking my stomach out outside of the hotel, so I guess I would call it a good night!

June and July kind of blended together, with a reception for one of my good friends' wedding that they had when they went and eloped in Las Vegas on January 1st. Also, there was girls weekend.

August, I celebrated my birthday. It was a bit bittersweet with not being able to have my cousin with me, and not very many people came out to celebrate it with me. Other than that, I had a good night.

September through November kind of flew by, with school, work and trying to work on myself. There was some family drama that happened at Thanksgiving, but that's to be expected with almost all families.

December, was the second worst month this year. I lost 2 friends. One, to complications after falling off of a pyramid in Mexico**, and another to an accidental overdose which none of us knew about, not even his best friends. The Twin Cities comedy scene is a lot less funny now that they are gone.

I didn't get as much done as I would've wanted this year, but I am going to be rolling over my bucket list to 2015, and continue to do those items on the list.


If I had to put my year into the context of food, I would have to say that my year was kind of like baking cookies: It sucks when you have to mix all the ingredients together and wait for them to be ready, is wonderful when you get to eat them and enjoy the deliciousness of them, then sucks again when they are all gone.

I started the year with hopes that it would be amazing. Some parts were. Some parts weren't. I'm grateful for what I have, and I'm thankful that I have accumulated many great friends that have helped me through a rough year. Thank you.


Links to the Obituaries of my friends/cousin that passed this year: #1 #2 #3

* Kinda = REALLY.
** Yes, you read that correctly.