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Saturday, May 9, 2015


So, I have been a little busy with the end of the semester and all, but I have been working on some of the items on my list. Such as:

I have bought a sky-diving Groupon to go sky-diving with my cousin.
I have registered for my last class, which I will be completing this Summer and then I will be done with my bachelors. (super excited)
I have my first 5k tomorrow (May 10th), that I will be trying to run the whole thing.
I put 5 inspirational messages inside books at my local Barnes and Nobles, in hopes that people will buy the books, find the pieces of paper and feel good.

I'm still looking for people to help me with some of the things on my list, even if it's recommendations on where I should start looking or where I should go to do the activity.

I'm looking forward to having some more of this "free time" everyone keeps talking about, and exploring some new "hobbies" (whatever those are).

Now, I'm going to bed before a big day tomorrow!


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